Andrea Warburton – @andrea.skips84
Summary of Andrea Warburton’s interview
In this episode of the The Jump Rope Podcast podcast, host Dizzy Skips interviews Andrea Warburton, a passionate jumper from the UK.
They discuss Andrea’s journey into the jump rope community, the benefits of skipping, and the importance of community support.
Andrea shares her experiences with learning new tricks, the role of coaching, and offers advice for beginners.
The conversation highlights the joy and motivation found within the jump rope community, making it a fun and supportive environment for fitness enthusiasts.
Andrea Warburton
Instagram:@andrea.skips84 / https://www.instagram.com/andrea.skips84/
- Dizzy Skips is excited to kick off the The Jump Rope Podcast podcast.
- Andrea started jumping rope in October 2023 for a charity event.
- Unlocking new tricks in jump rope gives a sense of achievement.
- Jump rope is a great cardio workout that is also fun.
- The jump rope community is incredibly supportive and motivating.
- Learning from a coach can help structure your practice.
- It’s important to focus on personal progress rather than comparing to others.
- Jumping rope can improve coordination, balance, and stamina.
- Beginners should be patient and practice consistently.
- The jump rope community is a welcoming and fun environment.
Sound Bites
- “I’m so excited to be kicking off the The Jump Rope Podcast podcast.”
- “I started in October 2023.”
- “It gives you a high when you unlock a trick.”
- 00:00 – Introduction to the Jump Rope Community
- 02:00 – Andrea’s Jump Rope Journey
- 04:06 – The Benefits of Jump Rope
- 09:56 – Learning and Coaching in Jump Rope
- 14:35 – Community Support and Motivation
- 19:02 – Advice for Beginners
- 21:58 – Closing Thoughts and Reflections
Show Transcript
Read full show transcript
Dizzy Skips (00:17)
Ladies and gents, cats and kittens, I’m so excited to be kicking off the The Jump Rope Podcast podcast. I’ve been skipping since early 2024 and found this insanely wonderful jump rope community that’s so supportive, fun, and has changed my life for the better. You know, I do my best thinking in the shower or while driving or while jumping rope, all places where jotting down notes can be difficult. And several weeks ago, I was skipping on a limestone bench in the park and I had this idea. I wanted to know more about my jump rope friends and…
Andrea (00:18)
Dizzy Skips (00:43)
When we’re connected on Instagram, it can take time to get to know one another with a maximum of 90 seconds for a reel or 15 seconds for a story and comments feeds. So I thought, what better way to get to know folks than to rope them into an interview where I can have a fun convo and find out what makes our fellow jumpers and shufflers tick. So today in our maiden voyage, I’m thrilled to talk to my friend, Andrea Warburton. She’s a lovely person and a fantastic skipper. If you don’t know Andrea already, you’ll love her. Find Andrea on Instagram at @andrea.skips84.
So let’s jump right in.
Andrea (01:15)
Dizzy Skips (01:17)
Hello, Andrea. Thank you so much for joining me. This is terrific.
Andrea (01:21)
you’re very welcome.
Dizzy Skips (01:23)
So tell us where you’re from or where you live.
Andrea (01:27)
Well, I live in Oldham in the United Kingdom, so it’s just on the outskirts of Manchester.
Dizzy Skips (01:35)
really? Okay, cool. I know roughly where Manchester is, but I’ve never been to the UK. It’s one of my, I need to make it there. There’s so many people I know in the UK who are fantastic skippers. I feel like we need to have a meetup and someone needs to sponsor me and fly me out there.
Andrea (01:50)
definitely. Well I think one of the key excuses could be when they have this the jump rope meets in London Park. They seem to be big. You definitely meet everyone there.
Dizzy Skips (02:00)
my goodness. That would be so fun. Yeah. So when did you start jumping?
Andrea (02:08)
I started in October 2023 and I started, yeah.
Dizzy Skips (02:13)
Why? Like what got you to start?
Andrea (02:18)
Well, I saw an advert for the cancer research and it just said 100 skips a day to raise some money for the cancer charity. So, you know, I thought, I could have a try at skipping and see if I can do that for 30 days and earn some money while having fun.
Dizzy Skips (02:38)
That’s so cool.
Yeah. So within that 30 days, did you like fall in love with jump rope?
Andrea (02:46)
absolutely. It weren’t the initial, yes. A fellow skipper, Aaron, he was in the same community and I saw that he was going on to doing tricks with his skipping rope and it just excited me. So I started doing tricks and from there, you know, I saw that I could progress and really get better and do some tricks with my skipping and I enjoyed doing it.
Dizzy Skips (02:48)
Yeah, so much fun. Aaron’s a wonderful guy and I love watching him. He can tie himself, like the amount of crosses and stuff he can do, it’s hard for my brain to even keep up with. Like he’s, he’s just a crossing machine. Yeah. So, how, like, what was it that got you hooked? Was it, was it the tricks? Was it the, like, did you, what sort of benefits did you get that made you keep with it?
Andrea (03:46)
The fact, it’s not easy. You have to work at it and put the work in and practice and practice. And then the results, it sort of gives you a high when you unlock, lock a trick and you’re recording it and it looks good.
Dizzy Skips (04:03)
Yeah, I totally get that. One of the other… Go ahead, please.
Andrea (04:09)
I was also on, you know, I was on a little keep fit journey. And the more I read into skipping, I saw that it was absolutely great for the cardio side of the work, cardio side. And the fact it was fun, picked all the boxes.
Dizzy Skips (04:26)
Yeah, I know, right? Every once in while I’m jumping in the park, somebody will run past me and I just think, God, running is so boring compared to jump rope. Like, I don’t ever want to run again. How often are you practicing?
Andrea (04:45)
Every other day, I try to have some rest days. Because when I’m not skipping, I’m doing some weights. But I I average between about 23,000 steps a day as it is. Yeah. So trying to, trying to fit in the jump rope is, it’s tricky sometimes.
Dizzy Skips (05:02)
Wow, that’s terrific.
Yeah. So can you like, what methods have you used to learn? Do you like use an app or do you have a coach or watch videos?
Andrea (05:21)
I have a coach And I like watching other skippers on Instagram. Yeah.
Dizzy Skips (05:28)
Andrea (05:31)
Dizzy Skips (05:32)
and tell me about your coaching.
Andrea (05:35)
Well, I’m with them.
Always Timeless Jump. Gary is running it. @alwaysghadi Ghadi Jumpman. at the time I was considering about four different, different people for coaching, but I kept going back and I kept going back and his, and his videos just, just stood out a little bit more. so in the end I joined the school and then I’m on the Timeless Jump app.
which is a nutrition based. So you can log in your meal, see how much calories you’re consuming. There’s workouts on there. So it was just an all rounder. So that was it. And I’m still with him now. He’s teaching me cool routines. I did struggle to put a routine together. I’d just pick up a rope and do anything and everything without it being structured.
Dizzy Skips (06:23)
Andrea (06:36)
So it’s giving us routines to do, which I’m enjoying learning. So yeah, I’m loving it.
Dizzy Skips (06:44)
Yeah, that was obviously a leading question because he’s my coach too. And I just love Ghadi so much. He is such a fantastic person. You couldn’t ask for a better cheerleader, right? Like he’s always in your corner cheering you on, even if you’re, or I should say, even when I know I’m not doing the tricks right, you know, he’s still like, work on it. You could do it. So yeah, I can’t wreck.
Andrea (07:08)
Yeah, you still a champ?
Dizzy Skips (07:12)
Yeah, I can’t recommend him highly enough. And his videos are terrific. You know, one of them, one of his videos that got me totally hooked on Ghadi was April Fool’s of this year. He did a video where he was showing you how to jump rope and he took his rope and he was, yeah, and he was beating it on the ground. You want to beat it on the ground. I laughed myself silly. I just laughed so hard. I still laugh thinking about it, but I was sold when he did that.
Andrea (07:24)
in the banana suit.
Dizzy Skips (07:41)
So where do you jump? Like what are your normal places to jump? Where are your favorite places to jump?
Andrea (07:45)
At the minute, I’m forced in my kitchen because the weather is windy, rainy. It’s awful the weather at the minute. I like to jump in front of my house because I have young little girl so I can’t go too far. Ideally I’d like to go down to the park, my local park and jump with her.
Dizzy Skips (08:03)
Yeah. Are you, you teaching your daughter? Are you teaching your daughter to skip?
Andrea (08:14)
yes, my goodness me. Gary had to put me on mute on Friday because when we joined the Zoom class there she was with her head in, look at me, look at me, skipping rope in hand trying to show him all the tricks that she could do. It’s a fight for the jump rope man at the minute.
Dizzy Skips (08:38)
my gosh, that is hilarious.
Andrea (08:39)
So it just put me on mute because you know I’m telling it go and sit down and she’s like but I’ve got some tricks to show. So and he’s talking to some newcomers so I just got put on mute yeah so yeah she’s very good. I’m just trying to teach you at the minute to keep her hands by her hips which she’s picked, she’s seven.
Dizzy Skips (08:47)
Yeah. How old is she?
Andrea (09:04)
And she’s picking it up wonderful. took me a lot longer than what she she’s picked it up in.
Dizzy Skips (09:05)
Yeah, I know when I picked jump rope up as an adult again, I thought, as a kid on the playground, I could jump for fricking ever. And as an adult, I started and I was like, my God, this is hard. And I think you’re right. The challenge is sort of the fun thing. And as you stick with it and you start noticing that you’re improving, it’s almost like you build up momentum and you don’t wanna stop. Or at least that’s how I am.
Andrea (09:36)
That’s it, yeah. It’s like a high, you know. When you see the progress and the changes in your body, it’s just an amazing feeling.
Dizzy Skips (09:48)
Yeah. So can you talk a little bit more about the benefits that you’ve got from sticking with it and doing it on a regular basis?
Andrea (09:56)
Yes, obviously my endurance and my stamina has improved tenfold. I didn’t have that much. I didn’t have great balance or coordination. They’re very good now. know, something actually fell off my side before and without even looking at it to the side, I caught it and it was just that sort of little instinct reaction.
Dizzy Skips (10:05)
Andrea (10:25)
And thought I would not have been able to do that before. So was quite impressed. So yes, it’s improved my coordination, my balance, my endurance and stamina.
Dizzy Skips (10:31)
That’s great.
Andrea (10:39)
It’s also improved.
do I put it? So when you want to quit something in frustration that you can’t do it, it’s helped with that because instead of quitting I keep pushing and pushing and I’m inspired by a lot of skippers on Instagram knowing that you know if you keep practicing this eventually it will unlock no matter how hard it is at the beginning.
Dizzy Skips (11:11)
Yeah, absolutely. And I think that’s a really important thing to remember. I’ve seen several people post on Instagram recently, like, don’t compare your, like, the biggest mistake you can make is to compare yourself to other skippers, because that can feel defeating or whatever, but if you compare yourself to yourself yesterday or last week or last month, you see that progress, and that’s great. I…
I think early on in my skipping, I made some crack to Jenny Just Jump about, when I grow up, I wanna skip like you. And she had a reply which I really liked and I can’t quote her, but in spirit it was, your jumping is your jumping, my jumping is my jumping and that’s okay. And that really meant a lot to me because I’ve got my own style and I do my thing and Aaron’s got his style where he can wrap
himself in a rope like crazy and you’ve got your style and that’s all great.
Andrea (12:09)
And I think if everybody was watching everyone and we all had the same styles, it would be incredibly boring. The fact that everybody is bringing something different to the skipping community, you know, I think that’s what makes it so wonderful.
Dizzy Skips (12:28)
Yeah, I totally agree. What about, like, do you have go-to moves or tricks that you really like or that you go back to a lot?
Andrea (12:36)
like the footwork. Yeah, so I started off with my footwork. So I like to do a lot of footwork in it, in my moves. The shuffle, the side kicks, stuff like that. I am trying to expand and learn a little bit more moves like the wraps and transitions and stuff.
Dizzy Skips (12:49)
Yeah, me too.
Yeah, you’re so good at it too.
Andrea (13:02)
And the mic release, my goodness me, that is frustrating, that thing. Trying to learn the mic release. I could, you know, I want to throw my skipping rope on the floor and jump on it.
Dizzy Skips (13:04)
Yeah. Yeah, I was out in the park on Friday. I left work a little early on Friday and I was out in the park with this jump rope, which is a Janie. I name all my jump ropes. This one is Janie and she’s got longer handles like 150 millimeter handles. They’re heavy. And I was trying to work on releases while it was windy and I kept hitting myself in the shin. And by the time I went home, my shin was almost black and blue. But yeah, I am not smart.
Andrea (13:42)
Dizzy Skips (13:46)
Andrea, not smart. So what do you get from the jump rope community or like how has the jump rope community affected you in your journey?
Andrea (13:57)
well, motivation. So sometimes when you can’t, when you’ve not got the energy to jump or the motivation, I still find myself watching videos and then, and then, you know, it inspires me to pick up my rope and just do it. Just, just jump, just, just go and have a little skipping rope session and I feel better afterwards and the support. I have never come across anything.
Dizzy Skips (14:15)
Andrea (14:26)
as supportive as the skipping rope community ever. Never. You know, everybody’s sort of got your back. They’re motivating you, supporting you, encouraging you. It’s just phenomenal. I love it.
Dizzy Skips (14:31)
Right? Yeah.
It is, it’s just like a wonderful corner of the internet where happy things happen and people pat each other on the back and say, go, you’re doing great. Yeah, even when I started out and I know I wasn’t jumping well, you my rope was way too long and I’m whacking myself all over the place. My form was terrible. My arms are out to the sides and people are commenting like, keep going, you’re doing great. And that meant a lot to me and it helped me get back, you know, and do it the next day and do it the next day.
Andrea (14:49)
It is. Absolutely.
It stops you from being discouraged, you know, doesn’t it? And then you look back on your own videos and see where you was and where you’ve come and where you can go.
Dizzy Skips (15:13)
Yeah, totally. Yeah.
Yeah, absolutely. You mentioned Always Ghadi and I’m curious, who do you think are some other people in the jump rope community on Instagram that folks should be following or paying attention to?
Andrea (15:39)
I don’t know whether to answer this question because…
Sorry, excuse me. Everyone I’m following is just incredibly, incredibly supportive. And, you know, I would say when you start your Jump Rope community, people are gonna pop up and from watching others, you’ll see more videos and just go with whoever style you like and what you wanna learn from them. So I don’t have a particular person.
Dizzy Skips (15:53)
Sure. Well, I think you’re right. I really like that. There are so many different styles and it’s fun to see how people interpret their stuff. One thing that’s kind of baffling to me, like we have the same coach and we were in, I think it was like a Friday meeting or something like that. And one of the attendees, I won’t give her name out, said, yeah, I don’t jump with music.
my jaw almost like hit the ground. Like how can you not jump with music? Like that’s, that’s what I do. It’s kind of mystifying. Do you always jump with music? No?
Andrea (16:48)
No, sometimes I just, and then I wing it and I spend ages trying to find a song to put to the beat that I’m skipping to. Sometimes I put my music on in the kitchen and then have a little skip. But it’s trying to find two phones because when I press record on my phone, the music stops.
Dizzy Skips (16:59)
Andrea (17:17)
Yeah, so sometimes it’s trying to carry around two phones.
Dizzy Skips (17:23)
Yeah, can be challenging. So what kind of gear do you use? What kind of ropes do you use?
Andrea (17:33)
I’ve got one from Rush Athletics, I’ve got Dope Ropes I’ve got Timeless Jump ropes, I’ve got a nice little mix, I think what are these ones? So I’ve got a Dope Ropes one here, is that back to front for you? I’ve got a Timeless Jump rope here, I’ve got a rainbow coloured one,
Dizzy Skips (17:49)
Andrea (18:01)
That’s not, I love that one because it’s got soft beads so if it hits you it doesn’t hurt. From Rush Athletics. I’ve got three from Timeless Jump because I like their ones. And I’ve got one from Elevate Ropes.
Dizzy Skips (18:17)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, you’re a woman after my own heart.
Andrea (18:19)
Yeah, but my little girl’s probably the only one blind. Yeah. It’s become like candy. It’s become candy.
Dizzy Skips (18:24)
Yeah, I have a ridiculous number of ropes.
Andrea (18:28)
Well, well, it’s funny you imagine that, you know, because my little girl just took one of my PVC ropes and she actually puts the beads off the beaded rope onto the PVC rope because she wanted to invent her new rope. I will say it’s very heavy. It’s very heavy. Well, it’s skippable. I might have to do a little skip with it and give it a whirl.
Dizzy Skips (18:30)
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, that’s great.
Yeah, I like heavier ropes. I just like the sort of heft of them. And I like to jump fast too, and you can get some momentum going. I’m curious, what advice or experience would you give to people who are just getting started now? Just thinking about jumping or just getting started and thinking, am I ever going to learn? What would you tell them?
Andrea (19:10)
Don’t expect to go from beginner to intermediate within a matter of weeks. It takes practice, time, dedication and not giving up. The more you practice, the better you’re going to become. Just don’t give up. Just keep jumping.
Dizzy Skips (19:40)
Yeah. Yeah.
my friend Maria gave me this stress ball that says, don’t give up. And I don’t know if you can see that. says, don’t give up yet. Yeah. It’s a, and I use it. She’s taught me breathing techniques that are very good at sort of bringing down the heart rate and the stress level. So speaking of like after, after a workout session, I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have.
Andrea (19:50)
I like that. Yes, I can see it.
Dizzy Skips (20:11)
Insane cravings after I’ve been jumping for a while. Do you do you ever get cravings for specific foods or something else? After jumping or working out hard?
Andrea (20:18)
No, but because I’m, no, I’m trying to make sure I eat well. I’ve pretty much got gone on a high protein kick because I’m trying to get a six pack. So yeah, I did have a massive love of crisps. I have a massive weakness of crisps.
Dizzy Skips (20:23)
Andrea (20:46)
And what’s kept me from eating my two bags of crisps at night every night is checking everybody’s skipping rope videos. So I’ll hop on Instagram, have a look at everybody’s skipping rope videos. And by the time I finish, it’s time to go bed. I ain’t got time for crisps. So yeah. No, actually watching people’s videos has stopped me binge eating my crisps at night time.
Dizzy Skips (21:02)
Yeah. Good for you.
That’s good, that’s terrific, that’s a good tip. I know sometimes I tell myself, don’t pick up the phone, you’ll get lost in it. Like when it’s too late or when I wake up really early in the morning, don’t pick up the phone because as soon as you look at Instagram, all bets are off. And I pick up the phone, of course, every time.
Andrea (21:23)
that’s a rough year on their bridges.
Dizzy Skips (21:38)
Well, Andrea, I really appreciate you joining me to talk today. This was a lot of fun. And anything else you would like to tell folks out in the jump rope community?
Andrea (21:51)
At the top of my head, I’m not sure. It’s one of the best communities to join. know, it’s the best form of cardio that you could do. And the most supportive community. And the most welcoming community. And it’s absolutely fun. You know, it’s never boring. There’s always something to learn.
Dizzy Skips (21:56)
It’s so fun. Yeah.
Yeah, I’m kind of an old guy and I’ve had more fun this year than I can ever remember having. Jumping rope and shuffling, just amazing. And part of that is due to you, so thank you so much. I really appreciate you coming on and talking to me and being so supportive on Instagram. Right back at you, my friend. I hope you have a great rest of your evening and a wonderful week.
Andrea (22:25)
Thank you very much.
That’s it.
thank you. Am I your first one?
Dizzy Skips (22:49)
You are. You are the maiden voyage here.
Andrea (22:50)
Dizzy Skips (22:55)
Yes. Well, yeah.
Andrea (22:57)
feel like I should have put some makeup on, but you know, it’s just been one of those days.
Dizzy Skips (23:01)
You know, I probably should have too, but hey, it’s our first one. You know, I’m sure the podcast will become more polished as time goes on, but I’m just so excited to be able to talk to cool people like you. So thank you again, Andrea, really. And I will see you in class with Ghadi
Andrea (23:18)
thank you and you’ve been amazing.
Yes. Bye.
Dizzy Skips (23:27)
There we go. I’m ready. Bye bye.
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